ABS 1.75mm 1kg spool Green

ABS 1.75mm 1kg spool Green


​ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) is a common thermoplastic well known in the injection molding industry. It is used for applications such as LEGO, electronic housings and automotive bumper parts.​ SA Filament has developed an ABS formula that stands out above the rest.

Availability: 1 in stock

Print Temperature: 230 – 250°C, dependent on printer model
Heat Bed temperature: 80 – 110°C​
​Fan speed / Cooling: 0 – 100%
1Kg net weight – +- 400m per roll
1.5Kg Total shipping weight
Accurate diameter of 1.75mm with a tolerance of ± 0.05mm
Spool Size: diameter 200mm, inner hub 58mm & Width 55mm
Vacuum bagged and packaged in card board box

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